Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Roses for my Mom and Grandmother

I haven't written in this blog for a long time.  Not because nothing was happening, but nothing this big!  I love the Long Island Medium show (Theresa Caputo).  I watch it whenever I am aware it's on and go to the TLC channel and watch re-runs.  WHY?  Because I too am medium.  Watching her gives me great feelings of hope that someday I too will be giving messages of comfort to people from their crossed over love ones (which I have done and do when I am channeling Reiki for people but would love to do outside of that also.)

I have seen this one particular episode of her show many times - but today it was EXTRA SPECIAL!
Theresa goes to a mattress story with her son to get him a "big boy" mattress (that is exactly what I did with my son a few years back - same exact thing!)  She gets a hit while she is there to do a reading for the one of the owners wives - the reading is all about her and her connection to her grandmother, who she used to live with and was very close to, like a mother.

So I wasn't supposed to be free this afternoon to be able to watch Theresa's show, and didn't even know it was on.  I had an appointment with one of my students to do some tune up work with her and we were
going to do Reiki on each other.  She canceled at the last minute - got sick.  It has happened many many times that if Spirit wants me to be doing something else, the person I'm supposed to be seeing gets sick - I know, I'm not asking for that, believe me.  So I knew there was a reason for my being off this afternoon (and especially when I could have had the car for this afternoon to run around doing stuff, but husband took off with it right as I was learning my student canceled).   So I was supposed to be here and available this afternoon to watch this one show.

I too lived with my Grandmother at one point in my life and I always felt she was more of a mother to me and my sister and brother than our own mother.  She was there for us in so many ways that our mother couldn't be because my mother suffered from severe mental illness.  Theresa brings up the Grandmothers recipes - I just made my Grandmothers Fish Flake Stew Recipe  - this one dish is soooo my Grandmother - I haven't made it in decades but just got a hit recently about exactly what fish to use in it, which I had been puzzling over for years and it was delicious!  I also make her potato salad recipe all the time in summer.    We just had it!!!

Whenever I watch this one particular episode,  I just know that my Grandmother is using this opportunity to give me a message, because I know Spirit works it so you get messages from your loved ones through someone else's messages. In this one particular episode, Theresa also talks about the rose bush that the owners wife is planning to plant in memory of her Grandmother.  Now I know where I got this idea, I had forgotten, but it just came to the other day that I should do this and I did.

I JUST PLANTED A ROSE BUSH IN MY FRONT YARD IN MEMORY OF MY GRANDMOTHER AND MOTHER - A RED ONE.  I didn't want a red one, I wanted the peachy one but I got talked into the red one by the nursery person.  Red roses are love - Now I understand and now I know that my Grandmother is acknowledging that she is aware of my doing this and very very much approves and likes it and orchestrated all of this so I would GET THIS MESSAGE!!!!!!

Thank you Grandma Neimeyer!!!!!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Angels in strange places

The oddest thing happened yesterday.  Well, to tell you the truth, "odd" for me is normal.  I recently hand an experience with several white cars, license plates and hawks that lead me to buy a white Nissan Cube. I had never even considered buying a white car - wasn't on my radar at all.  But now I have a pearly white crazy looking Cube.  Gi figure!

Anyways, I was downtown going to the hippie dippie pharmacy on Gorham and State St yesterday after Yoga class.  I saw a parking space on Broom that I couldn't pass up.  I NEVER park on Broom but this space just said, "Park Here".  As I got out, I began looking around for the kiosk where you go put in your money and get your ticket - this crazy new system they have now on all parking meter spaces in towns new method. Suddenly some scraggly looking dude on a kids bike rides up and asks me if I need help.  I tell him I don't know where the kiosk is, he points to it down the way a bit, I thank him.  I head down in the pointed direction but a second or two later a man looking like a Senator (older, glasses, really nice older guy with money outfit says excuse me (kinda felt like an FBI agent??) may I talk to you for a moment.  ????   I say "OK" you know in the kind of "here's a crazy so I'd better say OK" kind of OK.  He tells me that he thinks my hood is up on my car.  Really?  So sure enough, we look and it's up!  I remember fiddling around with the releases the other day trying to figure out how to open the gas tank lid so obviously I opened the trunk by mistake.  He tells me just to push it down, which I try to do, but it won't budge, so he does it!  Wallah!  The trunk is closed, I thank him and he disappears!

Then I head down the street again for the kiosk, can't see it - it's hiding behind a light post.  Bicycle dude comes out of nowhere again and we go into "there it is" "where" "there" thing and I finally see it and thank him and he disappears!

HMMMMMMMMMMMM  so I'm thinking - OK.....I now have not one but two Angels visiting me today to help me.  Is this something I am going to be experiencing on a regular basis now?  I am feeling like I have crossed some kind of barrier and the Spirit realm is bending over backwards to help me in allllllllll ways imaginable including manifesting brand new juicers for hardly anything, and rice cookers, toasters, cars and a medium for a party I want to have where a mediums comes to do readings.   I'm REALLY liking this.  Thank you God, Holy Spirit, my Angels, Guides, Ascended Masters and my Master Teachers.  I am very very grateful for all this abundance and guidance!!!!!
May I continue to worthy of your generosity and faith in me.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

lost in the woods

We had to drive up to Blue Mounds today on a trial run before I have to drive out there for a class that is coming up for me at the end of the month.   We planned to find the teachers house then go for a hike in one of many parks around the area and have lunch.

The ride up went very smoothly, all interstate and we found her house pretty easily.  We had to ask a few people directions to the state park but soon found it and jumped right in to hiking.  We'd never been there before and we soon got lost on a huge loop that circled around a gorgeous ravine full of huge chunks of limestone.  There was limestone everywhere!  I didn't know what it was till we got back to the rangers station and then found out the whole area is loaded with limestone or dolomite!  I got a nice chunk of it to take home for my collection.

Anyways, we got lost and came out almost 3/4's to a mile from the rangers station on the road in, so out of the park.   Had quite a hike to go just to get back to the car after we'd been hiking for quite awhile already and beginning to flag.

I wanted to flag someone down and see if we could hitch a ride in but hubby wasn't haven't it, so had to drag my weary ass and aching feet all the way in.  Suddenly a car drove by with 222 (everything is going to be alright, stay positive) followed immediately by a 444 (thousands of angels are surrounding you right now) AND I found ANOTHER hawk feather right at that moment.  I was grinning from ear to ear.  It is very apparent now that the Angels are working overtime to let me know they are right there with me every step of the way, letting me know I'm safe and all is well.

THANK YOU ANGELS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We had an awesome lunch at the one open resturant in town and made it back home quickly. 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Quick Answers

I have been reading Robert Moss' book "Conscious Dreaming" and am in this part of it now where you ask the world to answer a question for you.   My question was "Why is my Third Eye blocked and what can I do about it?" I wrote it last night.

So you're supposed to write it down on a piece of paper and look at it off and on during the day.  I think I looked at it twice.

It's been raining since around 1:30 when my afternoon  client was scheduled to show up and got heavier as it got closer to the time for my husband to get off work (4:30) so I had to go pick him up as he bikes to work.  As I approached the first sop light on my way there, a big white van turns left in front of me as I sit at the light.  For some reason I'm drawn to look at the bus as it drives by and it says "U See Clearly" on it.

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Know if that is not an answer I don't know what is.  I had just given some very interesting information to my client after her Reiki session, and was doubting what I got as being valid, even though it was obvious to us both that I was spot on for most of it.  And then this message on a WHITE van!!!!!!!

I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Thank you Universe!!!!!!!!!!

To top it off I got a 999 on the way home.  OK, I get it   LOL!!!! 

Monday, August 6, 2012


Haven't written in a while, super busy.  Today I just HAD to write as there was so many messages coming to me today it was mind boggling.  This morning I got a license plate that said never quit 1 (abbreviated of course like "nvrqt1".  This was right after I told someone at my office that I was quitting!!!!!!!  Then immediately I got a 999 (lightworker get to work, the world needs you!) as I pulled out of the parking lot just after seeing the nvrqt plate.

I got 444's all over the place, even at the co-op when my bill came out to $40.44!  I got a 555, and 888888888 (in REALLY big letters) and  found a brand new shiny quarter downtown as I walking to Comm. Pharm.  And I think I also found a dime this morning. I had a dream recently where I found two dimes and now I'm finding dimes all over.

Don't know what the Angels are trying to get across today other then they are with me BIG TIME right now, which of course is majorly cool.

Maybe they are trying to let me know they are giving me the "high" sign big time around my new job as a receptionist at Tibia in a work/study gig to pay for an upcoming class on intuition and I plan to take more and more courses there this way and also will becoming a Karuna Reiki Master and Master Teacher at the end of the month!    I'm getting a "ya think!"  Hahahahaha   Angels have a great sense of humor!

Thank you Angels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sign, sign everywhere a sign

Just a short while ago I was getting 11:11 and 111 all over the place again.  I was not looking at it positive and I recently read that something that completely changed my view on this amazing synchronistic sign!  I just happened to come upon this book while looking for a book on Feng Shui - I love it when Spirit draws us to the book we really need to be reading which is next to the one we thought we wanted to read.  It's "Messages From Spirit "by Colette Baron-Reid. Colette talks about the numbers 11:11 showing up in her life when she was about to encounter very life changing circumstances and she had the choice to do the right thing or the wrong thing, like many doors being opened to many possible outcomes at once depending on what door or path you chose to walk down.  

So I am going to be very mindful the next time the numbers 11:11 shows up in my life again as I just went through something that I would have liked very much to avoid, a stomach bug.

In the last several days the numbers 333 (Ascended Masters numbers) have been bombarding me like crazy. I got a phone call and the number was 1-333-333-3333!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!  And then I had 333 showing up in license places everywhere I went.   And in an Angel Oracle card reading I did for myself I got the "Support" card, which is the Ascended Masters are with you loving and supporting you all the way, all the time, talk to them more often and know that they are with you.

I felt so incredibly blessed by all this show of their presence!!   And I got over the "bug" that day
that I had been suffering from for almost a week!

In Colette's book I was reading the chapter on power or spirit animals and I know that Red Tail Hawks are my main totem or Spirit animal.  I saw one yesterday as I drove back from the East side (where I was getting all the 333's).

I had it in the back of my mind when I went to sleep last night after reading about her swan that had been with her forever that I'd like my hawk to show up and give me a confirmation today, but hadn't really put that much thought into it as I was pretty crashed out.

A few minutes ago, I felt very very warm and kept getting this nudgy feeling like I needed to get up and do something about it.  I had already turned the A/C down so I knew it was probably all the hot air coming in from the kitchen window I had opened when we got home after church to let in some fresh air.   As I was closing the window, I saw a huge Red Tail fly out of my background a few yards in front of me - he had been drinking in my bird bath!!!!!!!   Thank you Spirit for the confirmation!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Banner Day!

Very interesting goings on today.  I got two huge pieces of information (well actually 3) today that I wasn't expecting.  I love when that happens.  One about what the cats and dogs are doing for us.  Transmuting all the radiation from the Tsunami in Japan and from all the solar flares and coronal something or others from the sun.  And second how a friend of mine figured out why the relationship with her husband was always a little wonky - a huge revelation of who they were together in a past life.  Totally mind blowing.  I have to find a way to figure this out with David and I.  Also why all of us feel so crappy - the solar flares and coronal things and solar winds.  The freakiest part was being told about the nuclear war coming in the next 150 to 200 years.  Hope that part is just a figment of my overactive imagination.

But the Angels were with me today.  I had an incredible ortho-biotomy session with my friend and got a 777 on the way there right away, then on the way home, plus a 222 and an 888!!  LOVE when they send me soooooooooooo many beautiful messages.  I know they are divinely orchestrating everything and also giving me a high five that they approve of it. 

I am doing Angel card readings every night now to see if there is a pattern so I can get a handle on what is the next step I need to take. 

I love you Angels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!